A benefit of recognizing you don’t know very much is that it motivates you to learn as much as you can about a few topics instead of trying to bounce from one subject to the next. For the few years I was doing policy work for a living, I was fortunate enough to be able to spend most of my time on what was most interesting to me.
- 2017: Amicus brief in support of plaintiff in U.S. Supreme Court case Janus v. AFSCME, co-authored with Maurice Thompson of the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law
- 2013-’16: The Facts About Ohio’s Medicaid Expansion
- 2016: Mackinac Center for Public Policy coverage of U.S. Supreme Court case Friedrichs v. CTA, right-to-work in West Virginia
- 2013: Unmasking Union Front “We Are Ohio”
- 2012: Sen. Sherrod Brown’s Record
- 2011: The Truth About Ohio Senate Bill 5
Other topics
- Soak The Rich!
- 2013-’19: Labor Union Pay & Political Spending (LINK TO TAG)
- Ohio Workplace Freedom (LINK TO TAG)
- 2011-’16: Shining a light on the Ohio Education Association
- 2012: Obamacare Exchange Rollout in Ohio
Elsewhere on the web
- Ohio Has a Ticking Medicaid Time Bomb (09/28/2018) – Cincinnati Enquirer
Washington Examiner columns:
- Ohio Republicans are living in Denial (10/17/2019)
- John Kasich exits stage left (01/14/2019) – featured at RealClearPolitics and the New York Post
- Right-to-work strengthens unions (05/04/2016), co-authored with F. Vincent Vernuccio of the Mackinac Center
- Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s Medicaid expansion is a faith-based mistake (10/10/2013)
Forbes columns:
- Lawmakers Sleep Through Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion Nightmare (08/15/2016)
- States Have Gone ‘Full Kasich’ On Obamacare Reform (03/04/2016)
Hot Air posts:
- Infographic: Ohio’s Obamacare “success”
- A Republican governor is fighting for Obamacare
- Obamacare expansion flood threatens state budgets
- Gov. Kasich visits Texas to brag about supporting Obamacare
- John Kasich wishes more Republicans liked Democrats’ ideas
- Kasich’s kamikaze campaign zeroes in on Ohio
- Kasich’s Obamacare Roadshow goes national
- Tab for John Kasich’s Obamacare expansion tops $6 billion
- Ready for a 26th right-to-work state?
- Supreme Court may free teachers from forced union dues
Even older work…
- 2011-’17: RedState posts
- 2014-’15: The Daily Signal posts
- 2014: Townhall columns
- 2012-’15: Heartland Institute posts
- 2013-’14: FreedomWorks posts
- 2011-’12: BigGovernment.com posts
- Heartland Institute Heartlander magazine & Healthcare News newsletter columns:
- June 2012: Ohio delays Obamacare exchange implementation pending Supreme Court case
- July 2012: New Hampshire legislature overrides governor’s medical malpractice reform veto
- August 2012: Kasich administration will not create Ohio Obamacare exchange, unlikely to expand Medicaid
- October 2012: Daniels requests Indiana gubernatorial candidates’ input on Obamacare implementation
- October 2012: States’ freedom from Obamacare hinges on overturning IRS rule
- October 2012: Poll shows surprising support for patient-driven Medicare reform