The Bell Tolls for AFSCME

Crippling the ability of public unions to hold Ohio taxpayers hostage will not solve Ohio’s budget crisis – and, though you wouldn’t know it from listening to his detractors, Governor-elect Kasich has been clear about that. Nonetheless, it’s an important step to fiscal sanity. Faster, please… there’s plenty more to do.

What Now, Ohio?

If Kasich and the state legislature are looking for easy targets – and they’ve got to be, given the fiscal cliff we’re facing courtesy of Taft, Strickland, and the national economic downturn – public unions seem a perfect place to start. The premise that government desk jockeys who are nigh-impervious to firing need union representation is laughable. Enthusiasm for handsomely compensating public employees is hardly at an all-time high among the public.

Your Tax Dollars at Waste

Back in April, I submitted a public records request to the Franklin County Auditor and looked at recent raises given to County administrators. Most of what I saw was only remarkable in that it revealed bureaucratic restraint during a recession. But, as a past employee of the Clerk of Courts, I was disappointed to find… Continue reading Your Tax Dollars at Waste