Avowed “pro-life New Dealer” Sohrab Ahmari, a founder of Compact Magazine and fixture on the socially conservative socialist fringe of the New Right, cannot BELIEVE his movement is so riddled with antisemitic cranks.
How did this happen? Ahmari might ask his friend (and Compact contributor) Pedro Gonzalez, who was outed as an antisemite by their New Right comrades when he had the temerity to abandon Donald Trump in favor of Ron DeSantis:
Returning readers will recognize Saurabh Sharma as the president of tax-exempt J.D. Vance fan club American Moment, a project of the Conservative Partnership Institute. A year ago, American Moment sponsored a “leadership summit” hosted by a group of bigoted Gen Z populists Sharma has mentored. Sharma spoke at the event; Gonzalez spoke on one of its policy panels, and moderated a second.
Ahmari may want to ask Sharma — a fellow immigrant — what’s going on in their anti-immigration movement!
No member of the U.S. Senate better represents Ahmari’s isolationist, protectionist, socially conservative socialist ideals than his friend J.D. Vance, who shamelessly panders to the worst elements of the New Right. Perhaps Ahmari and Vance should discuss the New Right’s racist infestation.
While Ahmari is swiping through his contact list for someone who can explain why antisemitism is running rampant on the New Right, he might also consider checking with his friend Tucker Carlson.
If Tucker is too busy interviewing Hamas apologists or shooting Kremlin propaganda films, Ahmari could always dig into the New Right’s antisemitism problem with Mike Cernovich, or Glenn Greenwald, or another member of his “crew.”