Cross-posted from Independent Journal Review. Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s presidential campaign is blowing up, in a good way. Soon, it’ll blow up in a not-so-good way. Kasich’s record of promoting Obamacare is a time bomb likely to go off long before the first 2016 ballots are cast — even in New Hampshire, where Kasich’s poll numbers have risen… Continue reading A vote for John Kasich is a vote for Obamacare. Here’s why.
Tag: Kasich 2016
Beltway pundits keep up clueless Kasich ’16 buzz
The Washington Post and other noted experts on the hearts of GOP primary voters continue building up Ohio Governor John Kasich as a viable 2016 presidential candidate.
Cut the Kasich ’16 Talk
Conservatives talking up Ohio Governor John Kasich as a potential 2016 GOP standard-bearer ought to stop kidding themselves.
Compassionate Conservatism is a Love Song to Big Government
Cross-posted from Townhall. Few aspects of the Republican Party affair with the welfare state are worse than the crooning from politicians who offer “compassion” as an excuse for betraying conservatism. By muddling messaging and helping the press dismiss anyone to his right, a big-government Republican who claims he’s a limited-government Republican can undermine conservative principles… Continue reading Compassionate Conservatism is a Love Song to Big Government
Gov. John Kasich – Ohio’s Own Obama?
Cross-posted from Townhall. Ohio taxpayers are being treated to an unwelcome taste of DC, as Governor John Kasich brings President Obama’s favorite policies and tactics to the Buckeye State. Narrowly elected as a small-government conservative in 2010, Kasich has veered sharply to the left despite Republican supermajorities in both houses of the Ohio General Assembly.… Continue reading Gov. John Kasich – Ohio’s Own Obama?